2nd Annual Haultain Block Party

Awesome Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.  I had a blast and met so many people. Thanks again to all our guests (past and present), volunteers and party-goers!

I'll post some more photos and information soon.

What a thrill to meet the great Sir Frederick Haultain alongside Saskatoon's possible next Mayor Cynthia Block!

Click here to read the speech text written by Ken Dahl, Assistant City Archivist



Photos from Our Block Party Photographer, Darrell Noakes.

Thank you, Darrell!

It's Party Time!

I hope everyone is excited. Plans have come together nicely and we're ready to have a great day in Haultain.

We are fortunate to have some very special guests including Saltwater Joy, Assistant City Archivist Ken Dahl, and in recent news, Mayoral Candidate Cynthia Block is coming! 

And don't miss our mystery guest.  Who could it be?

Please contact me if you have an questions.

See you soon!

FYI - the party takes place on the 1100 Block of 4th Street East

between Munroe Ave and McKinnon Ave.

Food and drinks are free for Haultainers and their guests.  We have delicious hot dogs, buns, condiments, drinks, chips and candy.

We welcome potluck of any kind!

We do have a few ideas to help our fundraising efforts, as well as young entrepreneurs who would love for you to show your support in cash.

From Our Entrepreneurs:


Hot Dogs, Drinks, Wine Tasting, Live Band, Jugglers, Bouncy Castle, Animals, Car Show, Games, Under 19 yrs Vendors, Fire Pits, Miracles and More! 


Young Entrepreneurs
3:30 - 6:00pm
Patronize our local young entrepreneurs. If you're under 19 years old and would like to sell at our event, Sign Up Here.
Cynthia Block
4:45 - 6:00pm
Come and meet Saskatoon Mayoral Candidate Cynthia Block! She's going to address our party-goers. We're so excited to have her!
Special Guest Presentation
5:00 - 5:30pm
Who could it be?! As an added bonus I've invited Ken Dahl from the City Archives department to do the introduction of our special guest.
Wine Tasting
3:30 - 8:30pm
Sample some delicious red and white wines from all over the world, courtesy of a local business Gold Sponsor.
3:30 - 5:15pm
Be dazzled by these talented folks and even learn some circus arts for yourself and develop your coordination, balance and concentration! No experience needed!
Dog Rescue Petting
3:30 - 7:00pm
A location will be set up with several of the sweetest puppers for your petting delights.
Car Show
3:30 - 6:00pm
Check out the cool rides on display.
Sign Up Here.
Basketball Competitions
3:30 - 6:30pm
Show off your skills in shooting contests, 1-on-1 and more! Win prizes and glory.
Sign Up Here.
Kids Games, Inflatables
3:30 - 8:00pm
For the young-ones, fun, easy games and competitions with prizes.
BBQ Hot Dogs
5:30 - 8:00pm
A tastey supply of hot dogs, sponsored by a neighbour in the grocery industry. Condiments too!
Fire Pits
9:30 - ?pm
Roast some mellows, construct some schmores, relax and enjoy the cool evening air.

New Page - Learn About Sir Frederick Haultain

Frederick Haultain, ca. 1912

All About Frederick Haultain

The man, the myth, the legend!

With assistance from City Archivist, Ken Dahl I'm putting together a page to honour the man that gave our fine neighbourhood its name.

What an interesting person and what an indelible mark he left on western Canada.

If I ever finish my Time Machine I'm going back to 1887 to shake his hand!


Frederick William Alpin George Haultain was born on November 25, 1857, in England. He came to Ontario, Canada, with his family at the age of three. As a boy, he was active in sports and joined the militia as a young man.

After receiving his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto in 1879, he went on to study law, and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1882.

Read More >


Meet Your Neighbours

Kevin & Sharon

Another prime example of a couple who embody the Haultain neighbourhood.

I had the pleasure of hearing all about their incredible trip to Italy to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on July 7th!

Click here to read their Haultain Neighbour Profile!


Meet Your Neighbours

Whitney & Jeff

Whitney sauntered in to the Planning Party, introduced herself and contributed some great ideas and energy to our event.

It was great to meet a new neighbour!  Thanks for being our Featured Haultainer.

Click here to read their Haultain Neighbour Profile!



Meet Your Neighbours

Matthew, Jillian & Elliana

I first got to know Jillian a little through email, she was very supportive and encouraging of our block party efforts. It was great to shake hands and meet the whole family at last years party and I'm looking forward to getting to know them a little more this year.

Thanks for being our third Featured Haultainers!

Click here to read our third Haultain Neighbour Profile!


T-Shirt Fundraiser $20 Each

Haultain-Tshirt-DesignWe're trying out a new fundraiser for our party.

We've designed a T-shirt with our neighbourhood's namesake - Sir Frederick Haultain.

We can get the shirts made for $10 each and we're selling them for $20 each.

We're hoping to sell 50 shirts, raise $500 for our party and be the sharpest dressed block party this city has ever seen!

The cut-off date for ordering is Monday July 15th.

More information and online ordering - click here.


Meet Your Neighbours


Our second featured Haultainer is David from the 1000 block of 4th Street.  I see him quite often out in the neighbourhood, sometimes out for a run or working on his yard.

I'll never forget the day some of the neighbourhood kids came over to tell us all about how David let them look at, and even sit in, his right-side-drive sports car.

Click here to read our second Haultain Neighbour Profile!


New Page - Block Party Feedback & Comments

We've received several kind, encouraging comments from attendees of our 2023 Block Party. 

Thank you, it means a lot to us!

Click Here to Read the Feedback


Meet Your Neighbours

Mike & Lisa

I’ve known this power couple for about 2 years and I can’t say enough about them. They’re welcoming, generous and fun to be around.

Without their support, input and effort the block party wouldn’t have been the success that it was.

Click here to read our first Haultain Neighbour Profile!


frederick-haultainWe're back for 2024 and another great block party!

Saturday July 20th, 2024

Posters are going up on light-posts around our area, inviting you all back for another epic gathering of Haultainers.

A Message From Lisa, Our Sponsorship Director

Hello Neighbor!

It is that time of year again for our 2nd Annual Haultain Block Party July 20, 2024 between 3:30 - 9:30 pm.  

Steve and I have been busy drumming up support from local businesses with much success.  There are also plans for some new events such as the Featured Neighbor page on the website, a special guest at the Block Party and Young Entrepreneurs section to sell their wares. 

Last year's Block Party, while successful, we realized we could use some extra people to help.  You generously offered your time for this event and we would like to take you up on it.  Areas where we could use some help are:

Thank you again for your offer and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,
Lisa Schira

Click here for the Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Click here for the Entrepreneurs Sign-Up Form

Planning Party was a Huge Success

We were treated to nice weather, food, drinks and lots of laughs.  It was great to see many of you again and meet some new folks.

Thank you to everyone who came over and shared their ideas!

Volunteer Sign-Up


I'm hoping a few Haultainers could volunteer a little time in helping us setup and run the party.

We don't need a big commitment, just hoping some people could cover a few 'stations' and help things run a little smoother.

Click here for the Volunteer Sign-Up Form


Neighbour Profiles

neighbourWe're adding a section to our website that will feature profiles of Haultainers.  A new profile will be posted once a week.  No private information will be included, just first names, the block you live on, and anything else you may want to mention such as how long you've lived in the area, etc.

If you'd like to be a Featured Neighbour, please email me - info@haultainparty.ca.

Click here for the Neighbour Profiles


Humble Beginnings


Massive THANK YOU to our 2024 Sponsors

Jim Southam

Affinity Insurance Walco Enterprizes Quentins 8th Street Comics
sk-dog-rescue sk juggling club Saltwater Joy
Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited

Get in Touch

Let us know if you have any questions, comments or would like to contribute something to our party. 

Maybe the company that you work for would make a good sponsor for our event?

Click here to download our 2024 Sponsorship Package.

Would you or someone you know be interested in performing?  Any type of act would be considered.



2024 Block Party Poster


About The Block Party

Hi, my name is Steve.  I live on the 1000 block of 4th St E with my wife, Jenny and our 3 kids.  We've lived here for about 5 years and really love the area so we thought it would be fun to organize a block party and meet some more of our neighbours.

Read More >

Great Article About Haultain

Haultain is located within the Nutana Suburban Development Area. It is bounded by 8th Street to the north, Taylor Street to the south, Broadway Avenue to the west, and Wiggins Avenue to the east. Roads are laid out in a grid fashion; streets run east-west, avenues run north-south.

History – The west half of Haultain was within the city limits when it incorporated; the land east of Clarence Avenue was annexed by the city between 1910 and 1919. A 1913 map shows that the present-day Haultain area overlaps two registered subdivisions of the day: the Broadway Addition in the west and Victoria Park in the east. Haultain School was opened in 1924, and named in honour of Sir Frederick Haultain, former Commissioner of Education and later first Premier of the Northwest Territories.

Read Full Article - click here

2023 Block Party

Last year's (2023) block party page can be found by clicking here.

