Haultian Neighbour Profiles

Kevin & Sharon

Another prime example of a couple who embody the Haultain neighbourhood.

I had the pleasure of hearing all about their incredible trip to Italy to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on July 7th!

If you see them at the party be sure to pass along your congratulations.

Thanks for being a Featured Neighbour!


Whitney & Jeff

Whitney sauntered in to the Planning Party, introduced herself and contributed some great ideas and energy to our event.

It was great to meet a new neighbour!  Thanks for being our Featured Haultainer.


My husband (Jeff) and I moved into the neighborhood last August.

I grew up in the village of Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan. Jeff grew up mainly in northern Ontario (but also in Iqaluit and Hawaii).

We are both teachers, and met each other while teaching in China.

We enjoy biking and walking around the neighborhood. We also spend a good amount of our time taking our dog, Lincoln, around the neighborhood and city to sit in or by our car, attempting to teach him that he will be okay without barking at every dog and human passing by.

We love Haultain's beautiful elms and friendly people, and we are looking forward to getting to know more neighbors at the block party.



Matthew, Jillian & Elliana

I first got to know Jillian a little through email, she was very supportive and encouraging of our block party efforts.  It was great to shake hands and meet the whole family at last years party and I'm looking forward to getting to know them a little more this year.

Thanks for being our third Featured Haultainers!

We've lived in Haultain since 2017. 

Jillian is a Medical Social Worker for the SK Health Authority and Matthew is a 3rd year Medicine resident who plans to specialize in Rheumatology. Together we have a 19 month old daughter named Elliana. 

We enjoy going to the farmers market on weekends, spending time in the yard, and going for hikes on the river trails. 

We've noticed a lot of young families who have moved to the neighborhood since we've lived here, which is very exciting! 

We love that Haultain is close to everything (No Frills, pizza by the slice, multiple playgrounds). Everyone we've met in the neighborhood has been very friendly and helpful. Shout out to the Winnie the Pooh house and the multiple 'little libraries'!  

We hope 'the Joker' makes a return this year at the block party. The band was great too - it was the first live band our daughter had ever seen and she loved it! The organizing and effort put into the block party is so appreciated, we're really looking forward to attending it again this year.



Our second featured Haultainer is David from the 1000 block of 4th Street.  I see him quite often out in the neighbourhood, sometimes out for a run or working on his yard.

I'll never forget the day some of the neighbourhood kids came over to tell us all about how David let them look at, and even sit in, his right-side-drive sports car.

David attended Pike Lake School while growing up on a farm just outside of Saskatoon.

He's lived in Haultain for almost a decade and currently works as a Fireman/Paramedic.

On his off time he enjoys running, working out and riding motorcycles.  I see his bike parked in his driveway now so he must've been out riding today.

When asked about what he's looking forward to at the upcoming block party, he said,

"I'm excited about 3 on 3 basketball and hopefully put my car in the car show!"

I know a group of kids who would love to see it again.

Thanks for being a featured Haultainer, David!



Mike & Lisa

I’ve known this power couple for about 2 years and I can’t say enough about them. They’re welcoming, generous and fun to be around.

Without their support, input and effort the block party wouldn’t have been the success that it was.

They’ve lived in the area for 22 years, since June of 2002.

Their girls attended St Matthew's French Immersion which seems to be one of the best decisions they made. Both daughters are bilingual and have had many job and education opportunities.

Lisa works in sales for a transportation company, Manitoulin Transport, and Mike is a manager for Axiom Industries.

On the weekends Mike likes to work in his mechanics shop and Lisa loves to garden.

"I love my large yard and it continues to evolve as needs change", says Lisa.

One thing that has changed in the neighbourhood over the years, is "Now I'm the older person with grown adult children!"

"We really enjoyed the 1st Block Party, especially listening to the band. We felt it was the music that pulled the party together.

We hope to bring our orange, International Scout to the car show this year.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again, listening to the music and enjoying our neighbourhood."


Massive THANK YOU to our 2024 Sponsors

Jim Southam

Affinity Insurance Walco Enterprizes Quentins 8th Street Comics
sk-dog-rescue sk juggling club Saltwater Joy
Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited