2023 - Haultain Block Party

2023 - Haultain Block Party

2023 - July 23, 2023 Haultain Block Party


Thank you everyone who attended and everyone who helped and contributed in any way - I had an awesome time!

I hope you all did, too.  It was so incredible to meet to so many amazing people, the music, the conversations, the food!

A massive, massive thank you to our generous sponsors as well as the cat & dog folks and the jugglers, for helping make our party a success.

An extra special thank you to the folks that leaned in and gave their hands and their spirit to help make the vision a reality.

Lisa & Mike, Aida, Emma, Berdy, Fraser, Jenny, Shawn, Pol, David, Mike & Monique, Donna & Roy, Jim & Rebecca, Darcy, Siobhan, Lynette & Dan, Ryan & Jessica, Jillian & Scott, Katherine, Brenda, Dwight, Darrell, Ray & Donna, Eli & Kati.

Some of the most heart-warming comments were ones like:

"We've lived here X number of years and we just met our neighbour from a few doors down."

"The kids met some other kids their age that live just one block over."

That's what it was all about, for me - bringing great people together. 

So, to me, those comments make the day a resounding success.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!



Over 60 photos here at this link: https://adobe.ly/473KGJi

Thank you Darrel Noakes, our resident photographer!




Massive THANK YOU to our 2024 Sponsors

Jim Southam

Affinity Insurance Walco Enterprizes Quentins 8th Street Comics
sk-dog-rescue sk juggling club Saltwater Joy
Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited

A Glitch in the Matrix

There's been a glitch in the matrix, apparently the fine folks at SaskEnergy had planned to run a detour directly through our party time and location! 

Strangely, no one noticed until this past Tuesday due to a possible computer glitch in the City of Saskatoon website. 

After some back-and-forth with the City, I canvased the 1100 block of 4th Street East last night and received an overwhelming 'yes, absolutely' from most of the residents there, to move the party location to underneath their excellent canopy of trees. 

It may be a blessing in disguise though, after looking at the weather forecast.  With a possible high of 29C, it might have been a terrible idea to host it on the 1000 block where there is almost no shade!  It's funny how things work out sometimes. 

I know it's not ideal, there will be added traffic in our quiet neighbourhood but I'm planning to add extra 'slow down' signs and hoping to ask the fire truck to add to our traffic barriers blockade at the intersection of McKinnon and 4th St E.

New Party Location - 1100 Block of 4th Street East

new location of the Haultain Block Party


Scroll down a little further to see a detailed itinerary.

1100 Block * Changed



Activities & Times

Information will be added as more details are confirmed.  Also, details may change as we get closer to the party.

We have plastic, fold-out chairs and tables for eating but you might want to bring your own lawn chair to hunker down around a fire pit, or find some shade while you take in the atmosphere.

Saltwater Joy - Live Band
3:30 - 4:30pm
Enjoy the sounds and dance to our own resident Celtic music band, the talented Saltwater Joy (Facebook).
Wine Tasting
3:30 - 8:30pm
Sample some delicious red and white wines from all over the world, courtesy of a local business Gold Sponsor.
4:30 - 5:30pm
2 of Saskatchewans most entertaining and talented acts will be walking through the crowd, interacting and impressing you with their various skills.
Dog Rescue Petting
3:30 - 7:30pm
A location will be set up with several of the sweetest puppers for your petting delights.
Cat Rescue Petting
3:30 - 6:30pm
A location will be set up with several of the cuddliest felines for your petting pleasure.
Car Show
3:30 - 6:30pm
Check out the cool rides on display. On McKinnon Ave South, between 4th Street E. & 5th Street E.
Basketball Competitions
4:00 - 5:00pm
Show off your skills in shooting contents, 1-on-1 and more! Win prizes and glory.
Fire Truck Tour
4:00 - 5:00pm
Meet the crew and tour their incredible truck.
Kids Games, Inflatables
3:30 - 5:30pm
For the young-ones, fun, easy games and competitions with prizes.
Riders Game
6:00 - 8:30pm
Shown on a large projector with sound. Rally around the ol' Green n' White! Location TBD
Pizza from Family Pizza Taylor St
5:00 - 6:00pm
Cheese Pizza & Pepperoni Pizzas, supplied by our Gold Sponsor - Family Pizza on Taylor Street.
BBQ Hot Dogs
6:00 - 7:00pm
A tastey supply of hot dogs, supplied by one of our Gold Sponsors - Affinity Insurance on 8th Street.
9:20 - 9:30pm
The quiet, respectful kind. Show starts just after sunset.



Block Party Poster


We are new to the area and looking
forward to meeting people.


It will be fun and long overdue. 
I’ve seen neighbourhoods blocking the
street for neighbourhood parties.
Always seemed so fun.


Side Activities

Help make our block party great! 

Sign Up for some of the side-activities.

Click for more information:

Invitations & Posters

Block Party Map Updated Invitations have been delivered and posters have been hung on light-posts around the area. 

Please Note - The posters will be taken down the day after the party.

No Flyers

Most of you have a 'No Flyers' sign on your mailboxes which is great to see.  I'm sorry if you thought our paper was a flyer.  I saw it more as an invitation than a flyer but I hope I didn't offend any one.  I also tried to keep each invitation size small and environmentally conscious.

Thanks for your understanding.


We would love to come meet everyone.


We have lived here since 2018,
we love the area
and have been saying for
years that this neighborhood needs
to have a block party!


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Massive THANK YOU to our 2024 Sponsors

Jim Southam

Affinity Insurance Walco Enterprizes Quentins 8th Street Comics
sk-dog-rescue sk juggling club Saltwater Joy
Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited Tshirts Unlimited